Guaranteed Analysis:
Humic Acid ......................15%
Kelp Extract (Ascophyllum nodosum) .........0.5%
Seaweed Extract (Sargassum tenerrimum) ....0.5%
Fulvic Acid......................0.5%
Product Feature A
An activated humic acid-based biostimulant to enhance Phosphorus availability and increase root mass.
What is it?
A unique blend of humic substances and seaweed extracts formulated to enhance phosphorus uptake.
Chelates with phosphorus and prevents it from binding with calcium and magnesium
Increases phosphorus availability in soil.
Where to use?
In-furrow along with starter liquid fertilizers. As a Foliar spray at herbicide and fungicide stages.
When to use?
Cereals: 7-8 leaf stage and Flag leaf
Canola: cabbage stage and early flowering.
Legumes: 8—10 leaf stage and 20% flowering
In-furrow: Dilute 10 Liter of Pholiar plus in 1000 Liters of water and the diluted
Pholiar Plus is enough to treat 500 gallons of starter fertilizer.
Foliar Spray: Use 100ml of Pholiar Plus per acre with 7 –10 gallons of water during in-crop srapys.